We've worked with dozens of companies from corporate home builders, to local small businesses. We are up for the challenge of any unique marketing campaign to fit your budget.
Below are more examples of work we have done in Austin TX.
Below are more examples of work we have done in Austin TX.
(2011 - 2014) MORE LOCAL EXAMPLES:
More of our local Austin productions.
One of DIGITAL EXPOSURE'S newest client is local custom home builder Juniper Homes. With limited marketing budget but incredible design features, we are sure to see their marketing campaign work for them.
Rancho Siena, a beautiful new community from Centerra homes is located outside of conventional traffic routes. The challenge here was to get clients to drive out to see and recognize the beauty of this emerging location. With help of Centerra's top sales agent we produced a commercial that has seen great success
Standard Pacific wanted to express a wide reaching ambitious campaign that featured their best communities and showcasing not only their beautiful homes, but more importantly, their award-winning friendly and knowledgeable sales representatives. These ads have helped brand Standard Pacific with a continuous commercial look and style that make them unique in the Austin home builder community.
(2009) AZUL POOLS:
An early client of ours, Azul Pools' TV marketing became so succesful that the company needed to hold off on future ads because they became overwhelmingly busy! That's never a bad thing. A true testament to the power of our TV commercials.
As a local owned and operated homebuilder, Buffington has a unique place in Austin's real estate market. We were asked to promote Buffington's top sales counselor and their "Home of the Month" specials. The campaign was a great success!
ACL Locksmith was one of Digital Exposure's first local clients. As a local small company they believed television advertising was out of their budget. We proved them wrong. With our unique commerical packages and exclusive airtime, ACL was able to grow in a few months from a "yellow pages" ad campaign to exclusively branding their company and services into 800,000 households a week.
ACL Locksmith Full Service AD: |
ACL Locksmith - Security Door Lock AD: |